
Embracing Agroforestry for a Greener Future


Why we've chosen agroforestry as the cornerstone of our mission to deliver a lasting and positive impact on the environment.


Harmony with Nature

At NaturaYuva, we believe in working hand in hand with nature. Agroforestry represents a harmonious blend of agriculture and forestry, promoting biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation. By cultivating a diverse range of crops alongside trees, we're not just farming; we're fostering ecosystems.


Carbon Sequestration

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Agroforestry is a powerful ally in the fight against climate change. Trees are excellent carbon sinks, absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide. By integrating trees into our agricultural practices, we're contributing to global efforts to reduce atmospheric carbon levels.


Enhanced Soil Health

Healthy soil is the foundation of sustainable agriculture. Agroforestry enhances soil fertility and structure, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. This not only benefits the environment but also ensures the long-term productivity of the land. Our commitment to agroforestry is a commitment to nurturing the very soil that sustains us.


Economic Resilience

NaturaYuva understands that sustainability goes hand in hand with economic viability. Agroforestry offers a diversified income stream for farmers by combining the benefits of tree cultivation with traditional crops. This not only strengthens rural economies but also ensures a more resilient and stable agricultural system.


Water Conservation

In a world where water scarcity is a growing concern, agroforestry stands out as a water-wise approach. The presence of trees helps regulate water flow, prevent soil erosion, and improve water retention. By choosing agroforestry, we are contributing to the responsible use and conservation of this precious resource.


Empowering Communities

NaturaYuva is committed to creating positive change at the grassroots level. Agroforestry empowers local communities by providing them with sustainable livelihoods and fostering a sense of stewardship for the land. Through training and education, we aim to build a network of environmentally conscious farmers and enthusiasts.


Join Us on the Journey to Sustainability

By choosing agroforestry, NaturaYuva is taking a bold step towards a more sustainable and resilient future. We invite you to join us on this journey as we work towards creating a world where nature and agriculture coexist in perfect harmony. Together, let's cultivate a greener, healthier, and more sustainable planet for generations to come.



Impact Measurement

These are the areas where we are focusing our action and measurement.


By 2025:

  • Supported 10,000 farmers to transition to agroforestry.
  • Created an additional 1,000 jobs for women.
  • Rehabilitated 8,000 hectares of land. 
  • Planted 1,250 trees per hectare.
  • Biodiversity protection for 1,000 plant species by establishing an ethno-medicinal forest. 

Agroforestry aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) due to its multifaceted contributions to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Here are the SDGs that NaturaYuva supports:

  1. SDG 1: No Poverty: Agroforestry can contribute to poverty reduction by providing additional sources of income for farmers through the cultivation of both trees and crops.

  2. SDG 2: Zero Hunger: Agroforestry enhances food security by diversifying agricultural production, improving soil fertility, and promoting sustainable farming practices.

  3. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being: Agroforestry can have positive health impacts by promoting biodiversity, reducing exposure to agrochemicals, and providing nutritious foods.

  4. SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation: Agroforestry helps in water conservation by preventing soil erosion, improving water quality, and regulating water flow.

  5. SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy: Sustainable agroforestry systems can contribute to the production of biomass energy, supporting clean and renewable energy sources.

  6. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Agroforestry creates job opportunities by integrating tree cultivation with traditional farming, thereby contributing to economic growth.

  7. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: Agroforestry promotes sustainable and responsible land use practices, reducing the need for chemical inputs and promoting efficient resource use.

  8. SDG 13: Climate Action: Agroforestry is a powerful tool for climate change mitigation as trees sequester carbon, contribute to climate resilience, and help adapt to changing environmental conditions.

  9. SDG 15: Life on Land: Agroforestry fosters biodiversity, supports wildlife habitats, and contributes to the overall health and resilience of ecosystems.

  10. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals: Agroforestry requires collaborative efforts between governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities to be successful, emphasizing the importance of partnerships in achieving sustainable development.

By supporting these SDGs, agroforestry emerges as a holistic and sustainable approach to land use that addresses interconnected environmental, social, and economic challenges.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Life on Land

More precisely, agroforestry benefits are as follows:

  • Reduces irrigation water by at least 50%
  • High biodiversity minimizes phytosanitary risk
  • Plant species diversity maximizes soil fertility
  • Sequestrates atmospheric CO2
  • Minimizes risk of erosion and other forms of land degradation
  • Optimal habitat for beneficial organisms and other wildlife
  • Constant harvesting resulting in stable cash flow for farmers
  • The only way to make organic farming cost competitive to mass scale conventional chemical farming


To date, we have built a network of farmers committed to agroforestry practices and started converting farms with 5500 trees (moringa) already planted.

By 2025, our objectives are 1000 acres of degraded land rehabilitated and 1500 farmers committed to practicing agroforestry on their land.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Responsible Consumption and Production

By demonstrating that sustainable practices enable us to deliver the best products on the market and are a condition for the long-term success of the entire industry, we believe we can be the change we want to see in the world.

Further, through our products and co-development programs, we help our clients in food, nutraceuticals, phytopharma, cosmestics,… sectors to deliver on their sustainability and health promise.

Gender Equality

Reduced Inequalities

Good Health and Well-Being

Climate Action